Written in the poet’s head while driving into Placerville, CA this very morning.


Recorded Reading (1:11): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uk2msxfcnnzyxwwyyiz2j/Round-the-Bend.mp3?rlkey=mhn2qzbqsg7ad31m4ovq6bt1a&dl=0


Round the Bend

Can’t drive a country road correctly
In a city state of mind
To drive it right, you have to leave
That city hustle far behind

A country road just might not get you
From Point A straight to point B
It might tend to wander
A bit more naturally

Where acquiescence to some peremptory
Corporate demander
Takes back seat to necessity ~
You have to meander!

Exclusive fixation
On your goal might have to drop
When some exquisite natural
Vista makes you have to stop

For one moment midst your hurry
An instant to forget the worry
And all the anxiety
Comes with responsibility

Let the mountains lift your eyes
Let the sunshine lift your soul
Remembering, in some surprise,
What it feels like to be whole


This poet presently lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

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