Written years ago, true today.

Among the dozens of world religions, ancient and modern, prophecying our impending Separation of Worlds, there are writings which indicate also that those remaining with lower Earth will continue completely unaware of the event.


Recorded Reading (1:48): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s8ayhjn42jcucrfzja7vn/At-the-Ascension-Gateway.mp3?rlkey=sp8k76ddbxt69uk3yuifj6ezs&dl=0


At the Ascension Gateway

You are making your decisions
One by one, by one, by one
I providing the conditions
By which merit may be won

Whether through the gate
Of future harmony you’ll go
Loose and happy in the midst
Of illumined flow

Nor yet, instead, continue
Much as you have been
The golden gateway, happy land,
Passed by you unseen

Every form of helplessness
Concentrated in me is
Riding roughshod over me
Ought to be a wiz!

Perpetrating favored put downs
Work against this absent one
Securing petty hegemony
Mistakenly begun

Mistakenly then carried through
Verbal commitment on
In error seen as harmless
To heap more coals upon

Already disadvantaged head
You think has no means of recourse
Imagining roll over will
To super’ior force

Of finance or of comfort
Of compromised stability
Of anything imagine
Gives you greater ability

To cause discomfort, doubt and fear
Poisonous anxiety
What harm does it, you shrug and ask
To dish unfairness out to me?

No harm, that is the answer
The answer straight and true ~
The harm you do, unhappy ones
You really do to you


This poet presently lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

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