
Recorded Reading (0:50): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c9y3myewizygyznpa81gf/Transformation-of-Evil.mp3?rlkey=a05mrmq5n6cup2n9s6qwlcqc0&dl=0


Transformation of Evil

Mistaken judgments
Soft pedalled venality

Base betrayal
Bribing, blackmail
Egoism, vanity

Whatever it is
Which by which
I find self surrounded be

I do not
Upon its native
Level tend to leave it be

But make a gift
Of its uplift

Lessons earned
By others learned
My timely word may help them see

I lift it
From its rocky bed
And turn it into poetry


This poet presently lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

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