
Recorded Reading (0:46): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t4hzereseudjbl1c7evty/Charity-Begins-at-Home.mp3?rlkey=8ylcd8juzrkrgn52qzgegzlqp&dl=0


“Charity Begins at Home”

Do you practice charity?
Please accept congratulations
From the poor of all the nations
I of which, too oft, unwilling be

There is one kind I practice, though,
The one all of our epigrams
Demand true charity demands,
Without which others somewhat hollow grow

Do not exclusivist become ~
Be, too, compassionately kind
To those to whom many are blind:
They say that charity begins at home


This poet presently lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

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