“Know Thyself” ~ Oracle at Delphi


Recorded Reading (0:55): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c0i7bb7b085jm5ldy7x8d/A-Good-Thing.mp3?rlkey=la3n974dwohawlhu0wvzyunl3&dl=0


A Good Thing

A truism, but true, it be
That we ourselves must truly be
Or know no genuine delight:
Dancers must dance, and writers write

Write of things that others hide
Which habitual abide
In the shadows of each soul
Releasing them, become we whole

Had poets choice, most likely they
Would give dignified moments play
Leaving th’awkwardly unbest
To an unregarded rest

So a good thing for all it be
We scribble so compulsively
That by it others self may know
And strong in understanding grow


This poet presently lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

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