
Recorded Reading (2:00): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ve7ropu59t9vg9ukcesi9/It-s-Just-Another-Dawn-of-Consciousness.mp3?rlkey=uocqlek2mt6nqxwxs7krieayq&dl=0


It’s Only Another Dawn of Consciousness

I have a hard time understanding
What the problem is
Envisioning a rather routine
Dawn of consciousness

While all the petty naysayers
Are busy saying nay
I find it normal in extreme
Imagining a better day

If we had made no progress
In any human age
I would agree unliky be
That we can turn this page

Can treat each other reas’nably
Can learn like adults to behave
Decide somewhat belatedly
Our planet worthy is to save

And smile instead of frowning ~
A very simple change
But one which our entire
Reality would rearrange

So while in pleasant visions of
Future peace and love I bask
You might be pleased to contemplate
These questions that I ask:

Say there no other dawns
Of consciousness have come to be?
Do we allow our women vote?
Have we abolished slavery?

Do we make little children work
In occupations hazardous?
Facilitate access for the
Handicapped among us?

Abandon wounded veterans
With no arms and legs and feet?
No programs to assist the folks
Too weak to earn something to eat?

Our fledgling and well meant attempts
May be imperfect, that is true
But indicators as they serve
To what our future’s coming to

When programs will be obsolete
A healthy, happy people to
When every you will care for me
As I for every you


This poet presently lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

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