
Recorded Reading (1:23): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jwu4bhwphevd111lo23kt/No-Enemy.mp3?rlkey=bbfu74hhypbd7qcm54fkkeeqn&dl=0


No Enemy

The rich are not the enemy
Neither are the poor
What are we forever looking
For an enemy for?

Not all women are bitches
Not every man’s a cad
There are as many good Muslims
As there ever have been bad

Not all Christians burn witches
Not all loggers are fools
Not all professors are wise
In our vaunted snobbish schools

It’s not necessarily
That more facile mind
Is superior to heart
Compassionate and kind

Though one is paid one hundred times
What the other be
I’ll take the latter, you can go
Ahead and just look down on me

All of us seem so to wish
To place somebody else beneath
Anybody will suffice
So long as we scorn bequeath

For some reason, the radical
Revolutionary notion
That none of us is better than
The other fish that swim this ocean

Is so extremely foreign
To humanity
It’s forever “on the make”
For an enemy we be


This poet presently lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

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