
Recorded Reading (0:53): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6ddp2zdo9j2v0xcx61azi/All-Possibility.mp3?rlkey=gy8geawd3c9txvry0zilu90m5&dl=0


All Possibility

We humans search together through this life
Through the confusion that it offers us
Through all the disillusionment and strife
Created by unnecessary fuss

Made over all which oh, so simple be
Between any truly well meaning two —
Perspectives of the other simply see
Easy to comprehend their points of view

One leans this side of it, and one leans that
One wishes it were thus, the other so
One wears a hood, the other wears a hat:
It is this way so humankind may know,

And wonder at, all possibility
Among us on this Earth that there may be


This poet presently lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

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