It’s history now itself ~ Renaissance Faire as it was held along miles of dappled paths in Blackpoint Forest, Novato, California, during the last decades of the Twentieth Century.


Recorded Reading (4:05):

The Court O’ the Scottish King

The Faire hath many a lovely sound
To entertain the ear, oh
The air with laughter doth abound
There’s music far and near, oh
The town with busy tradesmen hums
But the sound I love to hear, oh
Is the measured beat of the Scottish drums
A-followin’ our hero

The measured beat of the Scottish drums
A-followin’ our hero

The Faire hath many a lovely sight
That make the heart to sing, oh
Each lovely maid thy gaze invites
And joyful gladness bring, oh
The pennants bright against the sky
And dancers in a ring, oh
But ye shall find me by and by
In the Court a’ the Scottish King, oh

Ay, ye shall find me by and by
In the Court a’ the Scottish King, oh

The Faire hath many a lovely lad
All stalwart, fair and true, sir
And sights to make a maiden glad
Are more than just a few, sir
They’re broad of breast and sure of stride
And handsome fellas too, sir
But the Bonny King of the Scottish pride’s
The one I love to view, sir

The Bonny King of the Scottish pride’s
The one I love to view, sir

I came upon him on his throne
Attendants circled round, sir
Such majesty I’d never known
As to that day I found, sir
Nor jewels nor silks did this King wear
But leather girded round, sir
And homespun kilting did him fair
As any velvets found, sir

Aye, homespun kilting did him fair
As any velvets found, sir

I came upon. him at his ease
Granddaughter on his neck, sir
To care for her did him well please
Though servants wait his beck, sir
His arms were strong and scarred and old
And she was but a speck, sir
A tiny bundle did he hold
Allowing naught to vex her

A tiny bundle did he hold
Allowing naught to vex her

All calm and quiet his Court it be
A peaceful family, oh
With ladies doing stitchery
And babies at his knee, oh
His grandson plays outside the door
With dirt he hath made free, oh
The nobles sit upon the floor
And all here happy be, oh

The nobles sit upon the floor
And all here happy be, oh

Now, if a faerie should appear
Me single wish would be, oh
To find a way to linger near
And courtly poet be, oh
I’d listen to each tale of war
And noble history, oh
Which tell of travels near and far
I chronic’ler would be, oh

Which tell of travels near and far
I chronic’ler would be, oh

But I am just a simple maid
The greater is me sorrow
And to this place the fair was paid
With money I did borrow
And from thy Court must I depart
Returning here no more, oh
But I will leave behind me heart
Until some sweet tomorrow

But I will leave behind me heart
Until some sweet tomorrow…


Until removal of the stalker/targeter/vandal/arsonist following her allows her to approach any landlord ~ even for a private parking space ~ and to begin once again to create professional connections and to rebuild her life, this poet presently lives homeless and at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level ~ still working seven days a week to contribute to her society, however.

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