
How shallow do you have to be to let jealousy rule when looking at a woman homeless in winter?


Recorded Reading (1:02): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hqsg8x3gofpnruta5gktf/Don-t-You-Worry-Cora-Mae.mp3?rlkey=6wb59pfef5djrd0eunqdilyor&dl=0


Don’t You Worry, Cora Mae

Don’t you worry, Cora Mae
We’re sending that poet away
Just like you wanted us to
Just like you told us to do

It kind of confused us, honey
‘Cause we know you like your money
Don’t really matter where she came from
She could really make us some

If we’d let a year or two
Pass to bring results in view
And then we coulda turned a page
Put this town on the world’s stage…

You said we must that plan abort
You wouldn’t put up with her sort
Although we don’t know why you care —
None of us got anywhere!

But be all that as happen may
You know we menfolk, Cora Mae,
Would never work, burp, breathe or play
Unless you said it was okay

You may obedience expect
Though it don’t come from real respect
You’re stupid and look like a hoss
But you’re married to the Boss!


Homeless until removal of the stalker/targeter/vandal/arsonist following her allows her to approach any landlord ~ even for a private parking space ~ this poet presently lives under perpetual threat of towing with all possessions should her 23-year-old van stop running for any reason.

She is badly in need of a modest reserve with which to field any emergency which might occur.

Donors may visit http://www.UgiftABLE.com , using code #72D-31S. It does take several days for the poet to be notified of your patronage.

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