This poet has spent three years watching her predator do more and more outrageous damage to her nation’s infrastructure and its citizens’ well being ~ while she tried and tried to do nothing but good ~ pay or no pay. Now she’s the one being told to move on.


Recorded Reading (0:49):


Sick of my Fellow Man

I’m glad I need not care for you
More than you care for me,
Who can my torment by the hounds
Of hell complacently
Consent to silently condone,
Abetting in passivity

For now these scales are fallen
I can clearly see
That any rotten thing which might
Happen, in your sight, to me
Only serve will to the more
Entitled seem you be

In your fond estimation
Holding you eminently
Deserving of fate’s flying
Fickle feh felicity:
I could die right here in fits
You’d welcome it with glee


Homeless until removal of the stalker/targeter/vandal/arsonist following her allows her to approach any landlord ~ even for a private parking space ~ this poet presently lives under perpetual threat of towing with all possessions should her 23-year-old van stop running for any reason.

She is badly in need of a modest reserve with which to field any emergency which might occur.

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