
Companion to immediately prior post.

After traveling twice entirely across our nation and found true justice in not one mile of it ~ this poet does not have a reason to worry about where her own soul will go when liberated from such a place as this has become.


not lot’s wife

to find one
virtuous man

will not
be looking


Homeless until removal of the stalker/targeter/vandal/arsonist following her allows her to approach any landlord ~ even for a private parking space ~ this poet presently lives under perpetual threat of towing with all possessions should her 23-year-old van stop running for any reason.

She is badly in need of a modest reserve with which to field any emergency which might occur.

Donors may visit http://www.UgiftABLE.com , using code #72D-31S. It does take several days for the poet to be notified of your patronage.

Thank you for reading, and may your holidays be happy ones.


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