
Recorded Reading (1:53): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1gh5grsghiwq4jpcwop5m/This-is-Our-America.m4a?rlkey=9ocia3krwuka1c6qtjnyo34xl&dl=0


In the America of 2023, multiple parties may convene to harass an old woman, night after night, for years ~ without any form of retribution.

But if a car parks on your street which you have not seen there every day since you can remember ~ what do they tell us to do?…


When her experience as an American poet of excellence changes so will her account of it.

The poet thanks historian Zambrotta of Italy for printing for compilation all posts and correspondences concerning this targeted victimization.


This is Our America

This is our America
We’re content and lazy
We’re perfectly fine with it
If someone drives you crazy

And if you talk about it
Until we get annoyed
We’ll get somebody to say
That you’re paranoid

They can circle round your van
They can dance and shout
Not a one of us suspects
What it’s all about

Don’t park where we have to see
The effects of penury
Given and enforced by
Maleficent he

Whom we adore ~ we invite in
We learn from his technique,
With those who have done us no wrong,
How we ought to speak

“Don’t pull over for the trash
Don’t park by our gallery
What do you think, you some kind of Contribution be?

“We don’t want your music
We don’t want your poetry
What we want’s a parasite
On society.”



This poet is physically disabled.

Public housing being insufficient to her medical and creative needs, in order to continue working she is presently living in her minivan, publishing all of her works using one thumb on the touch screen of her smartphone and surviving at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

If her work has touched you, she would treasure any contribution you might be good enough to offer ~ http://www.UgiftABLE.com ● #72D-31S.

Please be aware that it takes several days for her to be notified of patronageThank you for caring.


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