
Recorded Reading: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zdvkc1d3zam9sjam1i4f6/After-Our-Explosions.m4a?rlkey=2x3sxtolpw6y2i26yonsccfhn&dl=0


After Our Explosions

After striding through the wreck
Like masked avenging gods
Women all will do our beck ~
We’ll have evened up the odds!

Politicians and stuffed shirts
All will genuflect
They had better show us
Serious respect!

Yes, everyone, when we come ’round
Will make a flattered fuss
They’ll know by then they never should have
Looked down upon us

Conan the Barbarian
Beer drinking Road Warrior
Yes, they’d better scurry ~
We’ll make ’em even sorrier!

They were too scared to stop us
Before we blew them up
Now there’s no justice system
We’re free to triumph, yup!

So all you little sheeple
Get down on your knees
Preparing your new masters
~ Us “real men” ~ to please!



This poet is physically disabled.

Public housing being insufficient to her medical and creative needs, in order to continue working she is presently living in her minivan, publishing all of her works using one thumb on the touch screen of her smartphone and surviving at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

If her work has touched you, she would treasure any contribution you might be good enough to offer ~ http://www.UgiftABLE.com ● #72D-31S.

Please be aware that it takes several days for her to be notified of patronageThank you for caring.


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