
Recorded Reading (1:58): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6tp5y86zx2glmotqs5wp3/I-Took-a-Vow.m4a?rlkey=nl1nmbaqj05uq5l1hk0w836cd&dl=0


Well, the poet ~ for the moment ~ is writing again, isn’t she?

You’d think her culture would have preferred her odes to rainbows and thistles, patriotic sonnets, tales of uplift, inspiration and amusement, her elucidations of favorite old sayings.

But, no.

Perhaps, again, maybe, someday.

But ~ as the poet sees it ~ that window of opportunity is closing swiftly.


I Took a Vow

I took a vow, I took a vow
To a secret society
I’m realizing only now
They’re keeping secrets from me!

All my friends expect me to
Spout every kind of hate
For aging, women, Blacks ~ and you! ~
But now I’m thinking, “Wait…

“What about when we become
The aging, halt and lame?
That opposite perspective from
This looks like a much diff’rent game…”

I’m in a conundrum
What will I do now?
What about when long ago
I made unto my SELF a vow

To serve the causes which were true
In which I true believed ~
What can anybody do
From either one to feel relieved?

Well ~ those who hold the whip
Hand over kin and family,
If I should ever slip
In abject subserviency,

Are watching now, so right and wrong,
And soul accountability
I jettison now ~ right along
With any human worth of me

I choose damnation, but I choose it
What I have ~ don’t want to lose it
Life’s all about ME!



This poet is physically disabled.

Public housing being insufficient to her medical and creative needs, in order to continue working she is presently living in her minivan, publishing all of her works using one thumb on the touch screen of her smartphone and surviving at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level.

If her work has touched you, she would treasure any contribution you might be good enough to offer ~ http://www.UgiftABLE.com ● #72D-31S.

Please be aware that it takes several days for her to be notified of patronageThank you for caring.


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