
Recorded Reading (1:13): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/orvqhvej2bp79fs1dotqv/The-World-is-Watching.m4a?rlkey=xrjtd63uxe1npz4noxw6tpop0&dl=0


The poet thanks historian Zambrotta of Italy for printing for compilation all posts and correspondences concerning this targeted victimization.


Intentional stalker sleep deprivation already has awakened the poet three times from her attempted sunset nap.

For those new to the site, this situation has gone unresponded to by law enforcement for three years, in three American cities plus the 10,000 miles between them ~ over which this perpetrator has committed dozens of acts of truly impressive infrastructure damage.

The most recent (absolutely typical of those to which the poet was treated all across the country ~ twice) ~ involve flat out steel-vandalism related murder.

This time, posterity won’t be scratching its head and asking, “So, what really happened to that poet?”

It’ll be pathetically obvious.


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