
Which Do You Choose ~ Pain Torture to Death, or Sleep Deprivation Torture to Insanity?

Now we have a choice.

The poet split her gut two years ago ~ by sitting up from dawn till dusk even when she should have been lying down, as California law required. 

When she returns from errand runs, complete with the cold air streams and extreme exercise which her stalking team’s ongoing vandalisms have assured her, she is already sufficiently physically depleted to be showing early symptoms of a repeat episode.

She uses the day in between to huddle over her wounded body, gathering energy for the next gauntlet she will run.

Sitting up because her targeter will not let her fall back to sleep yet again when she should be resting is ~ as they say in the medical profession ~ absolutely counterindicated.

So ~ which would you choose?

Not just for tonight ~ for every night of the rest of your life, if your targeter chooses to make it so.

After three years (and a lifetime of profiling and the treatment which comes with it) one learns to stop hoping for any kind, shape or form of actual justice.

What a bunch of Kindergarten bullshit, right?

Took the poet 64 years to figure it out.

Slow on the uptake.

So, for you it’s just an exercise.

Not deadly serious, like it is for the poet whom no one’s “really hurting.”

Which would it be? 

Insanity by sleep deprivation?

Or death via delirium and toxic shock?

Jus’ askin’.


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